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Myths and Heroes in the American collective consciousness

We began this new theme by mentioning the song of Steppenwolf, Born to be wild. She was written in 1968 and used in the movie Easy Rider. This song talk about the road which represent the freedom who goes against the conventions of the beat generation...

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Final tasks on Art

Here is the instruction: You are a young British artist and you’ve decided to take part in a competition organized by the Tate Modern in London. This competition consists in presenting your last conceptualist piece of work to a jury composed of art critics....

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An article in the Moulin on Line ;-)

Have a look at the article that was published in the Moulin On Line, Jean Moulin's online newpapers, in Janaury 2015: http://journaldelacite.canalblog.com/archives/2015/01/19/31260415.html

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We began a new theme, that of the art and power. First of all we are asked us " What is the frontier between what is Art and what isn't? Is art a way to express power? Is the spectator infused with a sense of power?" Then the professor showed us an extract...

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Rabbit-proof fence

We have studied Australia with our english class, so for it we have watch extract from a movie named rabbit proof fence, it talks about Australia during the colonisation of British. In the first extract we saw a man who is kidnaping three little girls,...

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Nowadays situation

We can unfortunately say that people who have fought for their freedom, don't have totally changed minds. In United States, where wearing an arm is allowed, black people are still victims of racism. We can take the example of Trayvor Martin who was shot...

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Barack Obama's New Hampshire Primary Speech, January 8th (2008) "We know the battle ahead will be long. But always remember that, no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change....

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Some knowledge of the freedom fighters

1&2 : ROSA PARKS Arrested because she didn't want to respect the Jim Crow laws 3 : MALCOLM X He fought for the human rights 4&5 : MARTIN LUTHER KING He did several boycotts against segregation, has received a Nobel Price for Peace, did the most famous...

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The Butler, Lee Daniels (2013)

Date de sortie : 11 septembre 2013 Réalisé par : Lee Daniels Avec : Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack plus Genre : Drame , Biopic Nationalité : Américain Synopsis : L'histoire vraie d... First, we can see in this movie a scene of slavery which...

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Jean Moulin high school, Béziers